Monday, June 11, 2007

Substandard Working Conditions

Last month we showed up at work and got an email from a high up person in management talking about exciting new changes that were happing to our floor's bathrooms (both ladies' and men's). You want to know what those exciting changes have meant? Having to premeditate every bathroom break around lunch or snack breaks so that we can use the bathroom on another floor.

A week later the city started getting warmer and warmer, which resulted in smog alerts. Which resulted in half of the lighting in our floor being turned off. So I kiddingly said, first they take away our bathrooms now they take away the light!

This is the straw that broke the camel's seems that the construction in the bathroom has started spreading cockroaches. My colleague and I saw a roach around our cubicle after coming back from lunch today and started screaming. An hour or so later we heard screaming in our vicinity, so I assume Mr. Roachy has moved on to greener pastures. I still can't put my feet on the floor though.

To compensate, we were rewarded with cookies today from a local bakery. :)

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